About me

I have a degree in Mathematics Education from UFRPE (2008), with a Master's degree inMathematics (2011), and I have been working in higher education since 2011. In 2016, I startedstudying topics related to Computational Mathematics and ended up discovering a new passion.In 2019, I was accepted into the Ph.D. program at CIN to develop a research project in the field ofperformance analysis of systems.

What i'm doing

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    IT Instructor

    As a IT Instructor at Trybe, I am responsible for teaching studentsthe necessary skills to become well-rounded software developers,prepared for the job market.

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    I am conducting research in the field of reliability, specifically focusing on the utilization of well-known distributions calledPhase-type distributions to model system reliability.

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    Data Science Projects

    I specialize in data science, with a strong focus on pre-processing, exploratory data analysis, and data preparation.

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    Machine Learning

    I study and develop machine learning methods, possessing expertise in a range of techniques.

My skills

  • Python
  • Machine Learning
  • SQL
  • R



  1. Ph.D. in Computer Science

    2019 — present

    Ph.D. in Computer Science In my Ph.D. program, I am conducting research in the field of reliability,specifically focusing on the utilization of well-known distributions calledPhase-type distributions to model system reliability. In this research, Iemploy EM algorithms to estimate the parameters of these distributionsand generate the corresponding functions that represent them. The significant advantage of this approach lies in the flexibility it providesthrough the understanding and utilization of these functions.


    2021 — 2023

    Database Technologist I received a short-term training in database management, which helpedme gain a better understanding of the key concepts of SQL and NoSQL.During the program, I had the opportunity to delve deeper into datamodeling, querying, and information manipulation using the SQLlanguage. Additionally, this training introduced me to a new language,Java, which opened up new possibilities in my programming skills.

  3. Universidade Federal da Paraíba

    2009 — 2011

    Master of Science in Mathematics During my Master's degree, I had the opportunity to delve into theconcepts and techniques of algebraic geometry, as well as developresearch skills to investigate problems in this field. My thesis focused ona specific topic in algebraic geometry, and I achieved significant results,which further fueled my passion and dedication to this discipline.

  4. Universide Federal Rural de Pernambuco

    2005 — 2008

    Mathematics Education My initial education was in the field of mathematics education, where Igained valuable insights into teaching mathematics. However, it wasduring this time that I discovered my passion for research and had myfirst exposure to programming. This experience sparked my curiosityand ignited a deep interest in exploring the intersection of mathematics,research, and programming.


  1. Computer Science Instructor

    07/2022 — Present

    Employer: Trybe As a Computer Science Instructor, I am responsible for teaching studentsthe necessary skills to become well-rounded software developers,prepared for the job market. I specialize in the computer sciencemodule, with a focus on the Python programming language. Some of myresponsibilities include preparing and delivering classroom or virtuallessons using teaching materials provided by the school or createdindependently. I guide and mentor students in the development ofprojects and practical exercises. Additionally, I assess students'performance and provide constructive feedback to help them improve. Idevelop and update educational content, including lesson plans,exercises, and projects. Collaboration with other instructors, managers,and support teams through regular meetings is crucial to discuss courseprogress and plan improvements. Staying up-to-date with trends andadvancements in technology and education is essential to bringinnovation into the classroom and contribute to overall schooldevelopment.

  2. Infrastructure Support

    01/2022 — 07/2022

    Employer: Tecnosolve As an Infrastructure Support professional, I am responsible for providingtechnical assistance and resolving issues related to the IT infrastructure.Some of my key responsibilities include: 1. Responding to and addressing technical support requests from end-users. 2. Diagnosing hardware, software, network, and operating systemproblems. 3. Monitoring and managing computer networks and backup systems. 4. Managing information security issues. 5. Documenting and tracking all technical support requests andresolutions. I strive to ensure the smooth functioning of the IT infrastructure,promptly resolving technical issues to minimize downtime andmaximize productivity for end-users. I maintain accurate documentationof support requests and resolutions to facilitate future troubleshootingand provide a seamless user experience.

  3. Professor

    10/2017 — 01/2022

    Employer: UNIFAVIP Professor of basic engineering courses.

  4. Professor

    10/2015 — 05/2016

    Employer: UFRPE Professor of basic engineering courses.

  5. Professor

    08/2013 — 10/2015

    Employer: UNINASSAU Professor of basic engineering courses.

  6. Professor

    08/2011 — 08/2013

    Employer: UFRPE Professor of basic engineering courses.



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